United States of America is a country that is divided into 2, namely the North and South. Northern America consists of 52 states that cover’s a huge area in the North and the capital city of America is Washington D.C. As we all know that we are just around the corner for one of the most appreciated and remembered day in the history of the world. Yes! It’s our Mother Land’s Birthday, so what are we going to do special on 4th of July (Independence Day)? Many of us really don’t go back in history of this day, when people of New England started a war against the British for freedom. Hoped shined for us by many but the efforts of two people Thomas Jefferson and John Adams is highly remembered to this very day. There were many other super heroes, such as Abraham Lincoln, George Washington etc that lifted our spirits to have one united country that lead us to become number one.
Many cities of United States have emerged to be revenue generating industries but one of the most popular cities of the world; New York holds all financial and cultural centers. As we are planning to celebrate Independence Day throughout our country, every state is looking forward to revolutionize the celebration by organizing events, parades. Everyone in America is going to participate in the events of 4th of July, especially our friends that have traveled from faraway lands and have been a part in the success of our country. For many years, Independence Day is being celebrated with high passionate individuals with loads of fun and joy. There are people traveling from different states with their families and friends to enjoy Independence. People have started to show their appreciation by putting up different flyers and flags. Some have put up massive flags out of their homes; also flags are visible on vehicles. I still would repeat the question what are we going to do special on Independence Day 2015? In the past, we have always tried to make this day special with our families and friends by dining out, watching sporting events, beach parties, fireworks display, family reunions, concerts, barbecues, parades and so much more. Many people in USA also enjoy this day as a summer holiday. It’s a federal holiday, we as a citizen of America should think of some special ways to celebrate this day! However, there are more ways that we should also look when celebrating this special holiday. This year events are being held, I have listed some popular events below so that you can make the most out of this federal holiday:
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